Aug 25, 2010

So here it is, one of the Disney projects I have been working on for my friends daughters 3rd birthday. These were attached to the front of the goody bags. They were fun to make but the oh so little pieces on the princesses is definately a time taker, well worth it in the end, the kids loved them!

Aug 20, 2010

I will definately get better at posting more often, but I have been working on a bunch of items for a friends daughters birthday....which has been SO much fun! I just wanted to post a quick card I
made for my Father-in law.

Aug 16, 2010


I did it!
I have been talking about starting a blog for so long and I finally took the plunge! My goal will be to post something crafty almost everyday, todays project was starting this blog!, and to not let lifes normal rig-a-ma-roll get in the way. We'll see how it goes!